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The ACE Fall Choral Festival is a clinic opportunity for high school choirs around the state of Arizona. With 30 minutes allotted for performance and clinic time, this festival is geared towards providing the choral participants a worthwhile experience in both areas. A sight reading component is also offered as part of this festival, in which participation is optional. Those choirs which earn a I (Superior) or II (Excellent) rating, and choose to participate in the sight reading portion of this festival, qualify for participation in the AzACDA State Festival.
Fall Festival - Jason St. Claire (
Registration opens on Aug. 12
Registration closes Sept. 23
Festival Dates:
Tucson Site: Oct. 21-22
Flagstaff Site: Oct. 24
Phoenix Site: Oct. 24-25
Register early to have your best chance at your preferred times. If you are waiting on a PO number go ahead and register with "TBD" as your PO number on the form. You just have to make sure to send your PO number once you get it. We have made some adjustments to the schedule at the Phoenix site that we hope will alleviate the transportation problems we ran into last year.
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